A regular commuter journaling tales of public transportation; embellishing the colorful events and
characters to make it a little more entertaining.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2009 Flashback?

While recently it has seemed a bit more like an '80s flashback when it comes to the metro (or maybe I'm just more familiar with bad fashions, movie and tv sitcom characters from the 80s?) with the snow coming down tonight, I'm beginning to think there may be another December 2009 flashback heading my way.

Yes, that means not only will most of the activity in our nation's capital come to a halt due to weather, but commuting anywhere above ground will pretty much be non-existent. For those of you in the midwest or taking more reliable forms of public transit (yes, I mean the CTA) you might be shocked to know that it takes a scant 5" of snow (sometimes less) to cripple public transporation around here. But that's nothing compared to watching them trying to clear roadways:

{I don't know this cute kid, but he is riding pretty much the same form/size front loader I saw outside in the street earlier.}

xoxo - unpacking the snowshoes

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